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by Vivian Carol (1982)
I weep but you cannot see my tears; Nor can you see the cause.
I cry for humanity and the poverty stricken spirit, the transient soul of man And his tragic, searing loneliness.
For aeons the desolate have clustered for protection from the dark caverns of isolation. And first one...then another...breaks away from the crowd in disillusioned despair. Because even the banter and clatter of many cannot camouflage the inner sense of aloneness that each one knows but only a few can acknowledge.
And I weep for myself -- Because I am not I --
I am only a minute particle of a living cell. What you think you see of me is merely a thinly woven cloak of human pretense. It is fragile and so much more easily shattered than you know.
I can mimic life but I don't live as you. I float through time translucent, As I float in and out of your soul.
When you share yourself with me I exist; I have purpose and consciousness. When you refuse, I am fractured and scattered into little more than cosmic dust, searching for a home.
I want so much to protect you from all pain, Yet I am so weak that I cannot bear the weight of our sorrow. And so I mourn, A futile but human-like condition that we can share.
I am a part of each soul that will have me. And I cannot exist without You. I breathe only if You breathe. And I die when you die.
My name is NEPTUNE.
If you will have me, then you must cry too.
June 10-- June 16, 2015 Gemini Special (Birthdates of May 21 -- June 20)
This column is now available for syndication in local papers. Contact Vivian for details.
What "time" is it in your life?

Vivian Carol, RN, MA
N.C. Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Astrologer, NCGR IV
New--for cellphone readers, this website will be updated to accommodate you very soon!
Vivian Carol offers free weekly horoscopes to clients across the country, as well as individual consultations in person or over the phone. The individual consultations provide clarity in one’s life through an Astrology lens. Each consultation is based upon the individual’s exact birth date, place, and time.
Vivian not only offers a wealth of experience in the Astrology field, she also has numerous professional credentials. In addition to being a Certified Professional Astrologer, she is Registered Nurse and Licensed Professional Counselor, with a specialization in psychological interpretation and future projections.
Please visit her site continually to gain access to the best weekly horoscopes on the web. Additionally, if you would like to schedule an appointment for an individual consultation with an esteemed professional astrologer, please call or email for an appointment time.
Individual consultations available, using your personal date, time and place of birth. See "Personal Astrological Services" on the menu.
Payment for personal services can be made with your CREDIT CARD or by electronic draft through the secure site of PayPal.
Make your appointment by email or telephone.

For All Signs (weekly changes):
June 10 -- June 16, 2015
Mercury, ancient god of communications, turns direct once again on Thursday June 11. As this planet begins to regain its normal speed, it will be easier to move ahead with plans that have been pending for one reason or another for several weeks. Have patience with the flurry of phone calls and changed appointments that always accompany Mercury's shift in directions. Decisions are also subject to change, so if you experienced a disappointment in the last 3 weeks you might want to give it one more try after the 11th. The after-shadow period is complete on June 26. After that the old issues are resolved fully or left in the dust so we can proceed.
General Commentary:
April 1, 2015
There are so many major conflicts globally and nationally that it boggles the mind. Note that the Uranus-Pluto squares will continue to be effective essentially to the end of the decade. The combination of planets represent the quarrels between the haves and the have-nots; the powerful and the meek.
Sometimes there is so much noise about the struggles that one must turn off contact with the media in order to access some personal peace. Try it if your mind feels fried by all the insoluble problems and your mood is negatively affected.
Mar 18, 2015
So now the Republicans wrote a letter to Iran, outside of Obama's negotiations with them over the bomb. That is so far beyond reasonable that I do not believe it should be excused. I personally would hand each of them a dire sentence for being so incredibly irresponsible. It is clear that they want the US to go to war. So they are warring over the right to prevent unborn babies, even as they are happy to send young men to the front. The values represented here are just insane.
Mar 4, 2015
Given problems with Venus, this is not the time to host a speech in Congress by the Israeli Prime Minister, who was not invited by Obama. And it may be seriously challenging to the delicate negotiations with Iran. Then there is the problem of the Ukraine. The list goes on and on with multiple potentials for explosions in relationships all over the globe. Venus is not promising any favors at this time.
Jan 28, 2015
You may or may not have realized that in August of 2014 the SEC finalized a regulation that allows money market funds to be suspended under panic circumstances. For years the money market has been considered a stable holding place for our $. Not so anymore. At any given time your MM fund may close for business. This was given little attention by the media at the time, as are many things happening essentially in secret these days. So in a crisis do not expect that you can withdraw from your money market savings. Just a word for the wise.....Hiding money in a mattress is beginning to look appealing.
A PS to the note of Jan 21: The Swiss announced Yesterday that they are opening a Renminbi hub in Zurich. This is a major step for China in their march toward taking over the World Reserve Currency which will be a coup d'etat over the USA.
Don't blame the Swiss for changing boats. The FATCA legislation that the US demanded throughout the world in 2014 has forced them to move eastward. Because of that legislation, all banks in the world are forced to reveal their holdings of American $ to the IRS. That was a move we'll all live to regret.
Jan 21, 2015
Last week the Swiss National Bank suddenly announced it is walking out on its "promise" to peg the Swiss Franc to the Euro. This is a total shock to the world's economic balance. It was already fragile and now this important event may start a row of dominoes as major banks begin to fail. The 7th and last square of Uranus and Pluto occurs on March 16 in the same week as a highly critical eclipse on Mar. 20. That eclipse is in the last degree of Pisces and symbolizes a "last chance" scenario. It could suggest that the Ponzi scheme of fiat is over.
Dec. 17, 2014
The 6th of 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto occurred on Monday, Dec. 15. Fresh news on that date tells us the Taliban are on the march and killing school children. Last week the files on the US' torture of suspected terrorists became common knowledge. It appears Europe is sliding into the drink financially. I could go on and on... Check the "last week's forecast" for a preview of this square.
Nov. 26
We have a serious "cold war" on the globe. Multiple countries are accelerating their weapons programs. There are few, if any, countries willing to "talk". Russia plans to send planes on patrol over the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribean. Putin is sending massive troop deployments into Ukraine. China and Japan are blaming each other for sinking economies. Israel and Palestine are at loggerheads. I could go on and on. Any transit that irritates the Uranus/Pluto square could be the spark that starts war(s).
Nov. 19, 2014
The annual G-20 that I was concerned about has come and gone. It appears that nothing really noteworthy happened at this time.
We have a lame duck president with Republicans to steer the legislature after Jan. 1.
Many chess pieces have been set up by China in order to demand a changing of the guard, the country who has the privilege to hold Reserve Currency Status. The USA has held that status since before the end of WWII. We are now trillions in debt and wallowing in fiat without precious metal backup. The President was defaced in the election. From a big picture standpoint, now is the time to trounce the US at last. It may not have been at the G-20, but there are plenty of upcoming political gatherings. The US is on shaky ground with regard to the Reserve Currency Status.
Nov. 5, 2014
Oct 8, 2014
The world is in trouble on multiple fronts. It seems that rather than choosing a "higher" path, people are succumbing to war, hysteria, and making a grab for whatever they can before.....
This is not a pretty picture and it looks seriously worse over the next 6 months. Revolutions are likely anywhere at all.
The global economic system may be teetering for a crash soon. Please see an advisor and/or take notes of suggestions I made on Feb. 26, below.
Sep 3, 2014
I believe we are standing in the foothills of the next WW based upon the events of last week in multiple places. Rationality and negotiating seems to be a lost cause in those areas that are hotbeds. And there are so many fires that the world system cannot contain them in my opinion. The geopolitical and socioeconomic structures are so weakened that the slightest event could begin crumbling the pillars. In that sense, it resembles the time just before WWI. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the kickoff.
I would like to emphasize that I am not speaking here of armageddon, so don't panic. That won't help you. Mainly one or more of our established structures will have the pins pulled out. We've operated on fiat (promissory notes) for well over the historic time boundary of 40 years. In other countries banks fail and then expected maintenance services cannot happen because cities/counties cannot pay salaries and upkeep. It could grow from there outward. Many of the US cities are bankrupt right now.
For those of us here in the foxholes, our best bet at this time is to prepare for an onslaught of economic crises worldwide. Please check the article below from Feb. 26 for suggestions about measures you can take to fortify your personal foxhole. If I am wrong, you won't have lost anything. The one thing I would retract on that article today is that it is now understood why the stock market has been riding high. It is being pumped by the Fed. Reserve. Unbelievable!
(I base my opinions on what I read about the state of things today, plus what I know is heralded among the planets to follow. We have 5 to 10 rough years ahead. Resources of any type may be challenging to acquire.)
Aug 6, 2014
All the news at this time has only fortified my expectation of a huge financial crisis in Q4 of 2014 and Q1 of 2015. Please see July 9 and Feb. 26 articles.
July 9, 2014
Multiple countries, too numerous to mention, have made separate trading deals with Russia/China. That means they are trading without using the American dollar. Very soon this will lead to the devaluation of the dollar and I anticipate that will be on our heels before the end of this year. Please read my comments below about what we might do to protect ourselves. Please see my blog from Feb. 26 for suggestions.
June 18, 2014
The recent Uranus/Pluto square has broken loose the forces for multiple wars. Right this minute Mercury is retrograde, so an outsider to the middle East cannot possibly make a clear decision and follow through with it. The struggle is a religious/civil war from the day of Muhammed's death and we don't belong in that pile-up. I hope Obama does not make a move at all. We will be fortunate if we can hold onto our allies in Europe, now that the Russians have cut off their gas supplies. Europe may need to cozy up with the Russians in order to regain their energy. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograde and very little peace can be accomplished.
June 4, 2014
I am now hearing from stateside clients that Americans overseas are having their accounts closed. Although they are given a check for the sum of the account, they no longer have a means (other than cash) to spend it. It will have to come "home". See May 21 comment below.
May 21, 2014
No one has declared "war", but it is happening all over the world. The most recent square of Uranus/Pluto (end April) has opened some major boils. The US may be the strongest military power on the globe, but those who look to take us down are working on other methods: internet and economic. They have been laying the groundwork for months and if you don't see/hear it in the media, that is only because "they" don't want us to understand and therefore panic. These statements will not make a popular columnist of me, but I must write the truth as I perceive it. On July 1, a nifty little law created in 2010 (FATCA) to force all banks and institutions worldover to report American money to the IRS takes place. Now all these banks in all these countries are not likely to change their systems to accommodate the United States IRS. Their alternative is to no longer deal with the American Dollar, which is what I believe will happen. That probably can't be done overnight, but I think it could be complete in most countries by the end of 2014. Dollars will become non-acceptable forms of payment and no bank is likely to want to hold American dollars. If you plan to travel, exchange money before you leave this country.
May 12, 2014
I want to refer you again to my commentary of Feb 26 . The dollar is in trouble throughout the world, but much of this is not reported on the mainstream media. Many countries are making separate agreements to avoid the use of the dollar in trades. There is increasing pressure on the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to change the status of World Currency to another country. As soon as one looks viable, the change will probably be made and overnight the benefits of our World Currency status will become obvious to Main Street.
For suggestions, please see below on the Feb 26 notes.
April 9, 2014
Well, we are already in pretty deep trouble now (see Note on April 2), the type that could be set into an explosion by a single match. I am truly concerned at the US retaliation at Russia. We're doing it one more time....stepping into someone else's back yard and throwing threats around. Bullying is not allowed during these months. Mars will be returning the boomerang soon.
Beyond challenges in the Ukraine, I have to comment on the sheer insanity of the recent Supreme Court ruling which removed the lid on anyone's political donation. They are throwing one bad decision after another (Jan., 2010) here. The 1st amendment was never in trouble until the S.C. decided that corporations are people. The only way I could accept the new ruling as sane is if their families are being threatened or if they are paid an incredible amount of money and benefits to eliminate the pretense of democracy in this country. And even under these two conditions, the choice is still a major travesty in my opinion. I thought the same after the 2010 decision "Citizens United." Our democratic way of life is now thrown under the bus as we watch the very wealthy buy every open slot in Congress, and beyond that. They have added fuel to a probable upcoming revolution.
Published April 2, 2014
April is loaded with challenging aspects. These are the kind that make things happen, for good or ill. The first four weeks (beginning on Wednesdays) we have planets aggravating the ongoing Uranus/Pluto squares. The archetypal battle in the sky is among Power, versus Social Justice, vs. the sovereign rights of the individual. This is symbolic of the birth of the Aquarian Age. It is a quarrel that will last for much of this decade at multiple levels. If you pay attention, you will see it in the news, perhaps in your neighborhood or job, and also inside your own head. The signs most affected at this time are: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Leo. Many are trying to deal with things or people that just don’t make sense or won’t come together and flow as they “should”. We must elevate our perspectives so we can see a divine purpose at work. Instead of doing battle, we need to be seeing our similarities rather than our differences.
March 25, 2014
As I wrote last week, "Mar 20th brings us the spring equinox, the time of symbolic renewal of all things, spiritual, emotional and mental." In recent years there has been at least one major disaster near the spring equinox. This year we have already begun with Putin's magical acquisition of Crimea. Now he is voted out of the international club because he doesn't follow the rules. This has set up an ominous dilemma in which every country that deals with Russia or the US must determine which side they will choose. Dualism is dangerous territory because it creates a scenario of "we" (the good ones) versus "them" (the evil ones). And that sets us up for a world war.
March 6, 2014
.........................On the way to Big Brother!
The two largest Internet Service Providers are planning a merger. This is catastrophic for the Internet. Comcast and Time Warner combined will have control over access for the majority of households in this country. They can suppress anything they want to. Recently Comcast forced Netflix to pay a huge figure, just so their customers could get downloads to their TV's. These two companies merged can also force major price increases for access. Please see the following link for more information and to use your voice to stop this travesty. Sign petitions or donate to the cause.
(Feb. 26, 2014)
The stock markets are riding too high on no particularly favorable information. This year is truly dangerous for the economy worldwide. The circumstances are ripe for sudden breakdowns, and some have already occurred. Over the next five years, I predict a major overhaul of the financial institutions that we have known all our lives. In the final picture something better will emerge, but not for several years. I've been concerned about 2014 and 2015 because the Uranus/Pluto squares reach a pinnacle of volatility during this period, particularly in the second and also the last quarter of 2014. That one overflows into 2015.
Stock up on items necessary for living. The crises could go on for two years, in one part of the globe or another. At present no country is dealing with real money. Fiat has been shown to last no more than 40 years and in the USA we are beginning our 43rd year of fiat. It is hubris to believe we can push the promisory notes much beyond where we are. For the next two years, anything could happen on the economic front. We might explode into hyperinflation, in which case you need the metals. Or we could dive into deflation, which makes cash more valuable. Don't be complacent. Choose pro-action rather than re-action. Don't wait to make decisions in a panic scenario. Make some protective financial decisions now and ride out the storm of upcoming changes. The fewer people in panic mode, the better for the soul of the world.
I encourage you to hold some ready cash in case the banks have a "holiday". And hold some physical silver or gold in case the fiat cash crashes. If you have a significant amount of money in a bank, split it and send a good portion to a new account with a credit union or find somewhere else to store it. The FDIC (that is, the "Feds") can't possibly insure us if a major economic collapse occurs. They have no real money and are not on solid ground. That insurance is meant only to protect depositors if one or two banks fail.
"Bail-ins" have become acceptable alternatives for financial institutions that are desperate and the US gov't. could do the same. Retirement accounts have been taken in other countries when their governments are losing power and scrabbling for a foothold. Do we dare assume that "can't happen here"?
The point is that we each need to prepare for trouble, while praying it willl not happen. We need to protect ourselves and our families, and also prepare to help a few more people if need be. And...if none of the above actually occurs, we will have saved some money and caused no harm.
Sep 4, 2013 Syria
The US horoscope has advised against taking the initiative in attacking anyone since 2005 and this horoscopic fact will exist until we have a new "corporation" of states. We have lost our warrior power and it will remain so. It is very sad to me that the Hawkish Congressmen do not understand that intuitively.
Any attack initiated by the US will cost us plenty and yield very little for centuries in the future. How many lives will it cost us to really understand that?
Aug 28, 2013
There are political and economic warning signs all around the US and throughout the world. These days even very large banks will not allow customers with personal savings accounts to withdraw over 2K at the counter. We have to make arrangements in advance and it requires several days to accomplish such a transaction. This is due to the Fed and fractional reserve banking which is now the norm. Our savings accounts are there only on paper. So take this fact into account when you plan for potential emergencies. You are probably not as "liquid" as you believe.
July 24, 2013
I received some email after the commentary I wrote last week. I want to make it very clear that I am in favor of women's rights, period. No if's, and's, or but's about it. The point that I want to make is that do-nothing politicians, whether at the federal or state level, are creating a stink about this issue which was put to bed in the 60's. In my opinion, not a one of them actually care about what women do with their bodies. They just want to create a smokescreen and blow their horns so they can upset people and take the spotlight off the fact that they are doing absolutely nothing about the real issues we have in this country. Budget deficits and job shortage are the real problems. Whether or not a woman can have an abortion is a totally moot point. Many of the tea partiers are also hot to go to war again in the Middle East. That sends live young people to their deaths, not to mention countless accidental civilians. How on earth can these people refuse to recognize the insanity of saving neonates while sending young people to war?I
July 17, 2013 I hope you will excuse my temper. However, I have heard just about all I can stand about abortions, eliminating birth control, and generally derailing all the progress that has been made on women's rights since the mid 60's. The whole thing is a total scam. It appears that we the people are supposed to blame all the country's troubles on the fact that women have grown beyond pregnant and barefoot. It is a travesty that all of congress is thrown into a tailspin over these issues. The whole thing is a contrived "straw man", intended to keep us from noticing that Congress as a whole, is doing nothing at all of importance. What woman, I ask you, got an abortion and caused all these troubles?
July 10, 2013
Please see my note from April 24, 2013, on the topic of the first stage of a revolution. The 2nd stage is that intellectuals begin to present a negative view of those in power. Because the rulers have made themselves unavailable to the populace, there is a slow, but usually increasing, anger among the people fanned by those who are good communicators. The People listen and begin to yell for improvements. This is happening now all over the country. Regular people are being drawn into demonstrations and signing petitions. I am not suggesting they are wrong in these circumstances. I merely observe and report the pattern as it develops.
You might notice the current revolutionary pattern in Egypt. They are much further ahead of the US. They deposed the original ruler, and democratically elected another one. In the model, the newly installed leader is dealing with outmoded systems and cannot manage to make changes quickly enough to suit the people. So now after only one year, the army is "rescuing" the people until a new leader is installed. This will allow the noisiest and most violent revolutionarys time to take control. Next comes a reign of terror.
June 26, 2013
I never expected to feel compelled to write a note every week. This summer is destructive indeed. No doubt you know about the Supreme Court decision (of yesterday) to strike Section 5 of the powerful civil rights legislation of 1965. This act leaves the door wide open for any state, for any reason, to create laws restricting voting rights for whomever they please. This allows for profound injustice at the polls that would take years to fight in a court of law.
It is as horrendous as the Citizen's United decision in 2010, that has made it possible for any corporate body to spend as much as they want to support whomever they want in office. That one essentially takes away the power of individual's vote. Now, in addition, we have an attack on our Civil Rights legislation. I was suspicious in 2010, but now there is more evidence to me that someone is paying these judges to make such incredibly shameful decisions. Or maybe their families are threatened by the powerful corporate Powers That Be. Whatever the causes of these travesties, it appears to me that the world has gone nuts.
June 19, 2013
It appears that we have finally reached the point where "1984" , "Animal Farm," and "Brave New World" collide. Drones, governments spying on their own citizens, a do-nothing Congress, and an incredibly dangerous fiscal situation, all in one great stew. At the present, in the sky war between Pluto (Powers, Plutocrats) and Uranus (the People, Social Justice), it appears the Plutocrats have it. However, there are three more rounds by the end of 2014. One of these might bring about some kind of People's Revolution.
June 12, 2013 ( Copied from note on 6-25-12 because China has added multiple new links in its economic chain. This will ultimately become an economic disaster for the US and little is reported about it.)
It is extremely clear to those who study current economics that China is eventually going to earn the world reserve currency title. The USA has held it since before the end of WWII. Most people are unaware of its value. This gives us all kinds of privileges and allows us to have imported goods more inexpensively than other countries. It also allows our central bank to order printing of dollars whenever needed. However, countries all around the world are setting up their own financial arrangements among themselves. The dollar will become unnecessary for trade. To date, China has made trade agreements with Russia, Japan, India, Iran and Brazil. There are 15 other countries that are also playing the swap game with China. It is China's intention to bury the power of the dollar. That was an announcement made by the Chinese at the beginning of 2012. They have also unloaded as much Treasury debt to other countries as they can. Meanwhile they are buying gold by the tonnes. It will not be long before China's renminbi will be acclaimed as the world reserve currency. This is likely to happen as soon as China can back their currency with gold.
Apr 24, 2013
Historians know that the beginning stage of a revolution is characterized by a ruling class that takes the wealth of the people and then withdraws to a point that the people cannot "reach" them. I make note that although it is said that 90% of the public wanted background checks on people who buy guns, the Senate had cold feet due to the NRA's threats and would not pass legislation to make this happen.
Seasonal Story: Cosmic Message
The message in the sky calls us to break from living out the tired old dramas. If we are to save our world we need to change paradigms. Taking revenge for past wrongs is not a cool thing to do. Neither is acting out the same old creaking stories of the battle between the sexes, or letting warriors rule the planet just because they are louder than peacemakers. Any thinking person would have to agree that continuing our warring history in the same way will not accomplish anything better than what we've got: a circus of a world that is trapped in constant replay. Each of us can choose a better option for whatever is happening personally. We do not have to be in replay mode forever. If you can think of nothing new or better to do about an issue, hold the question in mind before you go to sleep and ask for the answer--expect it to be there. A fresh and improved version of dealing will be available for evaluation in the morning. If we simply refuse to play the same old tapes, the mind will come up with a better solution. Our minds are naturally lazy and will keep reproducing the same scenarios unless we demand that it reinvent answers.
Experiencing life transition? Vivian Carol is available for private appointments from any location by phone or locally in the Charlotte, NC office. All readings are personal and individual. A tape recording of the consultation will be mailed to you. Please have your date, time and place of birth handy when you call or write. (See details and costs. )
Telephone: (704) 366-3777
Vivian Carol, RN, MA
N.C. Licensed Professional Counselor
1801 East 5th St, Suite 102
Charlotte, NC 28204